Permanent Exclusions
The local authority directs Fordway to take pupils that have been permanently excluded from a primary school within the NE or NW areas of Surrey, where spaces are available.
Emergency or Intervention Places
Primary Schools are able to make a referral to Fordway by completing the Fordway referral form. This could be via a recommendation by Behaviour Support Services, or directly. Each pupil referral is discussed by a panel which meets once every half term. The panel is made up of a designated Educational Psychologist, Lead professionals from Behaviour Support and members of the Fordway leadership team. Pupils are offered a place according to priority of need when pupil referrals exceed spaces available.
Intervention programmes offered are up to 7 weeks in length and may be fulltime of part time. A placement review or exit meeting is arranged at the end of the 7 weeks with placing school and parents. Progress and appropriate next steps are discussed.
Intervention placements are only available subject to space following directed admissions of pupils who have been permanently excluded.